
Fire Emblem: Three Houses new DLC adds a fourth House, paradoxically enough - wattsgase1970

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Cindered Shadows DLC introduces a young Business firm into the story, thereby screwing with the game's championship (via Forbes).

I think this is quite funny. Anyway, this is the big taradiddle-driven section of the game's expansion pass, which reveals that there has been a fourth theatre lurking in the recesses of the Garreg Mach Monastery. It turns out that there is a whole town underneath the honorary society—The Abyss—and it is under threat from nefarious figures working from the shadows. The Ashen Wolves are the House protecting The Abyss, and comprise of Constance, Balthus, Yuri, and Hapi. Constance and Hapi are magic-users, but Balthus and Yuri's classes are remindful of the Warfare Monk and Hoaxer from Fire Allegory: Awakening.

Nintendo declared the Cindered Shadows DLC straight after the reveal that hero Byleth would be the ordinal and terminal champion in the Super Smashingly Bros. Ultimate Fighter's Pass. From now on, January 16 wish equal known as Extra Extra! Fire Emblem Content! Read All About It! Day. Beaver State not. I guess I'd hold to ask Nintendo first. Byleth adds 11 new tracks to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and the other stage transports contestants just about the Garreg Mach Monastery with Blue Lions, Black Eagles, and Gold Cervid characters spectating.

The Fire Emblem: Triad Houses Cindered Shadows DLC releases on February 13. Fire Emblem: Three Houses is away straightaway for Nintendo Switch. Watch the Cindered Shadows trailer on a lower floor.

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01 January 2018

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